Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Surgery is complete

We have spoken to the Doctor...Jason has begun his recovery. They were able to remove the entire tumor that they went in for. It was removed without damage to the speech nerve (huge relief) there was too much damage on a section of the facial nerve which needed to be removed. This nerve was long enough that they were able to reconnect the two sections. It may take up to a year to fully recover, in the meantime both sides of his face will be paralyzed for a time.

While they were in there they discovered another two small tumors, they did not attempt to remove them in their entirety (only partially) because of the nerves they were on they would have caused too much damage to his throat

We were just notified that we will be able to see Jason around 8:30pm in Surgical Intensive Care Unit. They anticipate that he will remain in SICU over night and then graduate to another room.

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